President Bush's approval has slipped 3% in the latest Associate Press/Ipsos poll, to 37% approval and 60% disapproval. This ties the previous low for approval in the AP/Ipsos poll and falls one point short of the all time disapproval rate of 61% on 11/7-9/05 (37% approve/61 %disapprove.) The Zogby poll for 2/27-3/2 is also down to 38% from 40% approval, and up to 62% disapproval from 60%, since their 2/16-18 poll.
The new data drive my estimated approval to a new low of 37.6%. The downward trend across polls suggests a continued decline in the past week. On 3/7/06 estimated approval stood at 38.2%.
These declines are from an estimated high point on January 9 of 42.3%, or a loss of 4.7% over 8 weeks. This is one of the sharpest rates of decline in the Bush presidency. See the graph for the entire Bush presidency here.
The "apples-to-apples" graph shows approval by each of the major pollsters. The new data points are from AP/Ipsos and from Zogby. Several of these polls have not delivered new data in the last month but presumably will soon.